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第11章 选专业究竟该听谁的? (第2/5页)
下一个轮到小婉了,她说:“when i worked in china, i attended an english-speaking class at weekends. the teacher was from australia and he was younger than me. but he told us that he had been to around 30 countries. he told us the world is so big and it is worth to have a look. so i quitted my job and came here. i love the clouds and sky of this country.(我之前上班的时候,周末学了一个口语班。那位澳大利亚的老师年龄比我还小,却告诉我已经去过了三十多个国家。他告诉我们这世界很大,一定要出去看看。所以我就辞职了,出来看一看。来到这里以后,我喜欢上了这里的云彩和天空。)”
jk突然打断她说:“it’s good to find something or someone you love here, and we can talk about australian people’s lifestyle some other time. but have you thought about how you are going to make a living after you graduate? are you able to find a job which not only you are passionate about but also generates income?(喜欢云彩是好事,关于澳洲的生活方式,改天我们还可以一起谈谈。但是现在这个阶段,你有没有想好等学习结束了以后,将来做什么事情既能赚钱,自己又喜欢的?)”
小婉摇摇头。jk笑笑,又继续说道:“if you really like or enjoy doing something, you can tell us with no hesitation. for example, i like smoking. if i forget to have my cigarettes with me, i will really miss them! surely cigarette manufacturers make money out of me.(喜欢做的事情应该是脱口而出的,比如我喜欢抽烟,有的时候真的不能缺少它,当然它也让我帮助别人挣钱。)”台下有些笑声,daisy悄悄问wendy:“你说jk抽烟的样子会不会很帅?”
jk拍拍小婉的肩膀,对她说:“it’s ok. there are still a couple of weeks for you to think about it. take your time.(没事,现在离正式开始写essay还有一些时间,你可以好好想一想。)”小婉似乎是有些尴尬,又似乎是有些失落,低下了头。旁边的allen推了推她,冲她眨了眨眼睛。小婉看看她,没有说话。